Seminars, events, trade fairs - tailored to your needs

Constant change and the new challenges this brings will always give rise to new questions and problems. Here, we pick up on keywords that are of interest to you and offer you the matching, custom-fit upskilling program. Let us know your specific needs.

Your added value

Our services

  • Working groups, seminars
  • Roadshows
  • Trade fairs
  • Industry Day
  • “Neue Wirtschaft Mitte” business forum
  • Partner and member company events
More about the at-academy
für Ihre Termine und Besprechungen

Buchen Sie unseren Beratungsraum

Unser Beratungsraum für derzeit max. 8 Personen mit moderner Technik mitten im Herzen von Erfurt steht unseren Mitgliedsunternehmen exklusiv und kostenfrei zur Verfügung. Optional kümmern wir uns gerne auf Wunsch um das Catering (kostenpflichtig).

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at academy seminars, events and trade fairs

Seeking to always put together the right selection of seminars and events for you and to keep ahead of the curve, our at academy offers you a wealth of choices. This includes your own events too. Feel free to contact us! 

Shaping the automotive future together

As partners and as a network, we work together to create the best conditions for new developments and successful innovations to prosper in Thuringia. automotive thüringen supports its member companies with in-depth analyses of relevant trends, upskilling and employee development programs, the shaping of economic framework conditions, and targeted public relations work.