Use at’s in-depth analyses and studies

For well-founded statements, fact-based evaluations form the basis of automotive thüringen’s work. In cooperation with its partners from research and industry, at draws up comprehensive studies, compact evaluations, wide-ranging industry reports, and up-to-the-minute surveys.

Studies and compact magazines.

“at compact” magazines are available exclusively to automotive thüringen members. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.

1. Industry reports - Annual overview of Thuringia’s automotive landscape

2. Surveys - Sentiment in the industry

3. Studies - The basis for new projects and cooperations

4. at compact - Valuable spot-on evaluations (exclusively for members)

  • a. at compact No. 01 | Veränderte Teilestruktur im Fahrzeug durch Elektromobilität
  • b. at compact No. 02 | Beschäftigungseffekte auf kommunaler Ebene in Thüringen
  • c. at compact No. 03 | Standortbezogene E-Produktionsvolumina aller OEM in Europa bis 2025
  • d. at compact No. 04 | IZZI - Interieur der Zukunft aus der Zulieferindustrie
  • e. at compact No. 05 | Neue Anforderungsprofile für Arbeitsplätze in der automobilen Wertschöpfung
  • f. at kompakt No. 06 | Batteriefertigung in Europa - Chancen für Zulieferer und Dienstleister

5. at fact sheets - TOP data on selected topics

6. Miscellaneous

Shaping the automotive future together

As partners and as a network, we work together to create the best conditions for new developments and successful innovations to prosper in Thuringia. automotive thüringen supports its member companies with in-depth analyses of relevant trends, upskilling and employee development programs, the shaping of economic framework conditions, and targeted public relations work.