Use at’s in-depth analyses and studies
For well-founded statements, fact-based evaluations form the basis of automotive thüringen’s work. In cooperation with its partners from research and industry, at draws up comprehensive studies, compact evaluations, wide-ranging industry reports, and up-to-the-minute surveys.
Studies and compact magazines.
“at compact” magazines are available exclusively to automotive thüringen members. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.
1. Industry reports - Annual overview of Thuringia’s automotive landscape
- a. Industry report 2019
- b. Industry report 2020
- c. Industry report 2021
- d. Industry report 2022
- e. Industry report 2023
2. Surveys - Sentiment in the industry
- a. industry monitoring 2019 (11/2019)
- b. Corona I (03/2020)
- c. Corona II (05/2020)
- d. industry monitoring 2020 (11/2020)
- e. Corona III (02/2021)
- f. industry monitoring 2021 (11/2021)
- g. liquidity and staff (05/2022)
- h. industry monitoring 2022 (12/2022)
- i. Digitization (05/2023)
- j. Branchenmonitoring 2023 (12/2023)
- k. Branchenmonitoring Frühjahr 2024
3. Studies - The basis for new projects and cooperations
- a. Paths to a sustainable car supplier industry in Thuringia (09/2018)
- b. Interiors of the future (09/2019)
- c. E-mobility in Europe: Progression 2020 - 2025 (09/2020)
- d. Groth market light commercial vehicle - opportunities for the supplier industry (03/2021)
- e. Cognitive cars - opportunities for the supplier- and automotive industry in Thuringia (05/2021)
- f. Competence development automotive - fields of action for the supplier industry (05/2022)
- g. Update of the in-depth analysis of the automotive supplier industry of Thuringia (07/2023)
- h. Digitalization trends in the automotive industry (08/2023)
4. at compact - Valuable spot-on evaluations (exclusively for members)
- a. at compact No. 01 | Veränderte Teilestruktur im Fahrzeug durch Elektromobilität
- b. at compact No. 02 | Beschäftigungseffekte auf kommunaler Ebene in Thüringen
- c. at compact No. 03 | Standortbezogene E-Produktionsvolumina aller OEM in Europa bis 2025
- d. at compact No. 04 | IZZI - Interieur der Zukunft aus der Zulieferindustrie
- e. at compact No. 05 | Neue Anforderungsprofile für Arbeitsplätze in der automobilen Wertschöpfung
- f. at kompakt No. 06 | Batteriefertigung in Europa - Chancen für Zulieferer und Dienstleister
5. at fact sheets - TOP data on selected topics
- a. at fact sheet No. 1 | January 2021 - The automobile year 2020
- b. at fact sheet No. 2 | March 2021 - Light commercial vehicles
- c. at fact sheet No. 3 | August 2021 - Fuel cell vehicles: Where are the users?
- d. at fact sheet No. 4 | February 2022 - The automobile year 2021
- e. at-Factsheet No. 5 | April 2022 - Lieferengpässe und Krieg in der Ukraine
- f. at-Factsheet No. 6 | September 2022 - E-Mobilität: Wachstum mit Bremsspuren
- g. at-Factsheet No. 7 | Oktober 2022 - Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit auch bei Nutzfahrzeugen
- h. at-Factsheet No. 8 | Februar 2023 - Das Automobiljahr 2022
- j. at-Factsheet No. 9 | Mai 2023 - Nutzfahrzeuge in Europa - 2022 erneut im Rückwärtsgang
- j. at-Factsheet No. 10 | Oktober 2023 - Chinesische Autohersteller folgen einer bewährten Strategie
- k. at-Factsheet No. 11 | Februar 2024 - Das Automobiljahr 2023
- l. at-Factsheet No. 12 | Juli 2024 - Produktionsrekord bei Elektro-PKW
- m. at-Factsheet No. 13 | September 2024 - Antriebswende im Nutzfahrzeugbereich